June 2, 2023

At the heart of Amsterdam for JSNation 2023

Attendees in a crowded conference hall facing the stage, with a large screen saying, “Code of Conduct, gitnation.org/coc” at the top.

Recently, our calendar marked another exciting event - Europe's largest JavaScript conference, JSNation 2023. Accompanied by the winner of the Atolye15 Coding Challenge, the journey to JSNation was as thrilling as it was enlightening. As an annually held tech pilgrimage in Amsterdam, the conference has been illuminating the path for JavaScript enthusiasts across the globe. It’s become an epicenter of knowledge on the best software development tools, practices, frontend, and backend technologies we love and use like React, Angular, Vue.js, Node.js, TypeScript, and more.

JSNation 2023 brought a distinct hybrid touch to the traditional conference format. On one hand, 10,000 engaged remotely, making sure the knowledge sphere reached a global community far and wide. On the other, a lucky thousand like us soaked in the charm of Amsterdam, experiencing the event in person. After the long, pandemic-induced pause, the exciting atmosphere and the dynamic JSNation crowd were a refreshing sight that we've so dearly missed! 

To fully immerse in the buzz of JSNation, we thought attending in person would be the only way. And we were right! The journey took us to the heart of Amsterdam, a tech hub of endless possibilities and vibrant energy. Passionate developers, engineers, and enthusiasts worldwide gathered to meet and listen to an impressive lineup of 45 speakers. Key contributors from JavaScript technologies, like Turbopack, Webpack, Qwik, Eleventy, SolidJS, AlpineJS, Theatre.js, Svelte, Rome, and Node, graced the event with their presence, offering a diverse learning experience on the latest trends in JS development.

A collage featuring JSNation conference attendees in the crowded hall, the yellow attendee badge of Atolye15, and a man on stage giving a speech.

One of the standout moments was the much-anticipated talk by Wes Bos. Known for his invaluable contributions to the development community, Wes delivered a captivating talk on AI and its potential in web development. His insights unraveled the scope of AI as a new superpower for developers, opening up a realm of new possibilities for the exciting path that lies ahead. Jecelyn Yeen, from Google's Chrome DevTools team, also left her mark with her valuable tips and tricks on debugging, taking the tech talk to another level. 

The following panel discussions and Q&A sessions opened a two-way communication channel between the speakers and the audience. It allowed everyone to express their curiosity and dive deeper into the subjects discussed. This interactive environment was further enriched by the presence of company stands, such as JetBrains, Chromatic, Storybook, and more. The opportunity to meet face-to-face with the teams behind the tools we use daily was incredible. Their insights added an extra layer of depth to the conference, creating a richer and more comprehensive learning experience.

In the end, Amsterdam was more than just a beautiful backdrop. It served as a vibrant tech hub, a haven for creativity and innovation, fostering a diverse and inspirational setting for JSNation. And - of course - networking, the lifeblood of any conference, was at its finest at JSNation! Opportunities to chat and connect with developers from all corners of the world and share our passion for JavaScript created an electrifying environment where ideas flourished.

Looking back, JSNation 2023 was more than a conference. It was a celebration of JavaScript development, an opportunity to learn, connect, and engage with a thriving global community. A heartfelt thank you goes out to everyone involved in making this event such a success, and to all the speakers for sharing their expertise. We’re beyond excited to be back on track with these much-missed international gatherings and looking forward to the next one!

Özge Uğuz

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